Special Offers

Special Offers from Affinity


We are through the worst of the Winter
How about a bit of YOU time...

It's here! 
with Affinity's March 2025 
special offer
2 wonderful treatments, 90 minutes of luxurious rejuvenating relaxation

Normally £109 for just £80!

Forget the world & all your troubles

With 2 wonderful treatments

Affinity's rejuvenating   
60 Minute Diamond Microdermabrasion Facial Treatment 
Gently removes the outer layer of skin which promotes the growth of healthy cells, leaving a smoother skin texture.   
Normally £70
Add £5 for LED 


Affinity's total relax    
30 Minute Swedish Back, Neck & Shoulder  Massage With Vibration Treatment
Sublime relief from all the stresses & strains of a busy life. Leaves you ready to face anything!
  Normally £39

90 minutes of super stress relief
 normally £109 for just £80!
To ensure the offer price, book & take your treatments before March 31st 2025

Affinity Gift Vouchers Make Great Presents!
Call or email us for details


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